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Bathroom Cabinet Makeover | A Moroccan Tile, Delftware Pottery Look!
Bathroom Cabinet Makeover, How to use Dixie Belle's New Silk Mineral Paint, Silkscreen Stencils & Woodubend to create a Moroccan Tile!

Old World Dresser Makeover | Romantic Grunge | Dixie Belle Paint Ideas | Furniture Flip
This vintage dresser makeover was hand-painted in a green old world finish using Dixie Belle Paint! Let me show you how...

Meleah’s Favorite Things 2020, Romantic Grunge Kit, Favorite Dixie Belle Paint Colors, Best Gifts
It’s that time of year where all the creatives try to attempt and explain all the things we would love to have for Xmas 🤣- that is if we...

Boho Kitchen, How To Make Concrete Countertops Over Laminate, Painted Cabinets, How To Paint Tile
This was such a labor of love folks! Our fixer upper home had a kitchen eye sore for sure! Orange oak dated cabinets, brown laminate...
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