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Meet "Casablanca"

This vintage wardrobe has been given a Moroccan makeover! I imagine she held a belly dancers costume, embellished in beads, sequins and fringe...the one thing that made her feel glamorous! Sun bleached by a bay window in her studio...this piece stands strong even after a love lost, much as she did.

Recipe for this finish:

-Soft Pink

-Tea Rose

-Dried Sage


-Florida Orange

-Barn Red

-Honky Tonk Red

-Best Dang Wax Black (for grunge)

-NEW Stencil "Morocco"

-NEW Chameleon Wax Apricot (first applied over stencil)

-NEW Gemstone Mousse Garnet (second applied over stencil)

-NEW Gilding Wax Copper (third applied over tips of stencil and all around border of wardrobe)

-Woodubend Moulding, Centerpiece WUB2082

-Hokus Pokus Transfer "Burlesque" and "Jardin D'Oiseaux" (inside door)

Click on pictures beneath to get everything for this look shipped to your door!


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