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Meet "Little Boy Bleu"

This new kitchen cabinet upper was transformed into a vintage school locker for our little boy to store all the things! This locker will be just perfect for his homeschooling this year and gives plenty of space for backpack, books, colored pencils, and play-doh! I love how an aged stencil can really date a piece that was otherwise brand new from the local box store! This DIY project is inexpensive and can be customized to your kid’s style!

Recipe for this finish:

-New Dixie Belle Stencil (coming soon!)

-Dixie Belle Blue for body

-Apricot for stencil

-Colonel Mustard for stencil

-Easy Peasy Spray Wax to seal first layer

-Best Dang Wax Black for grunge

-Gator Hide to seal

Click on photo beneath to get everything for this look shipped to your door...

BEFORE pic of Home Depot kitchen cabinet upper!


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