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Meet "Narnia" Our Fairytale Bathroom Makeover

This is phase 1 of this Chronicles of Narnia makeover, starting with the bold colors of the forest, then adding IOD transfers to create a whimsical wall mural! I wanted a rich, deep green for the cabinets paired with mouldings by Woodubend, then used metal paint to give an industrial painted cabinet! Of course this scene would not be complete without a hand painted light post! This bathroom will become a show stopper fairytale world for those who visit!

Chronicles of Narnia Bathroom Makeover Recipe:

Wall Mural:

-Colonel Mustard

-Farmhouse Green

-Holy Guacamole


-Collard Greens

-IOD Transfers (Botanist Journal & Japonica)

-Clear Coat Satin to Seal


-Midnight Sky



-Collard Greens


-Collard Greens

-Patina Paint Bronze

-Woodubend Mouldings WUB1711 and WUB1787

-Howdy Doo Hemp Oil to seal


-Patina Paint Bronze

CLICK on the picture beneath here to get all these products shipped to your door to try this!

WATCH the tutorial below!

Before pic! Yup, that was written behind the builder's mirror when we removed it!


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